Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Fulfilling the Grand Commission

Puerto Rico

Hello again my dear friends and brethern.

I'm really excited to share with you my new adventures I had last month. This picture was taken just a couple days ago in San Juan, Puerto Rico. A family member of mine pasted away and I flew into the capital Friday the 30th of November for uplift and support.

Sixteen years has gone by since I put foot on "the isle of enchatment" as it is called.

While on the island I had a chance to meet up with our missionary family (Pagan Family) in Bayamón, and spent some quality time talking with them about their ministry. God has really blessed them. They seem quite content with the progression they've had in such a short period of time. My dear viewers we should continue to uplift the Pagan family in prayer that they may win more souls for Christ.

To my surprise I got to see a Wesleyan church in my home town of Dorado, Puerto Rico. This movement has been here for many years, but they seem to down size from the last time I had seen them. "May God pour out his fire again back into this ministry so that many may come back to the old path!"

Yum live osyters!!!

Want some traditional crab for dinner, it's only $35.00 dollars a dozen.


Guatemala is a very beautiful country. The endless amount of mountains and history behind this country makes you want to come back over and over again. The people seem to keep a lot of their old way. On this trip I ate a lot of their traditional food "tortillas and tamales." I also drank "horchata" (rice water) and did a whole lot of walking (good thing I took my sneakers along on this trip)!

Guatemala really has some interesting places that are breath taking. This picture was taking in Tajumulco. This is a natural water cascade. This is quite common around this region. Just up the road there is a natural pool where hot water comes down from the volcano and gets mixed with a small stream below. The people from the local community take baths in this pool.

It's neat to see how they grow crops on these mountain sides without any kind of machinery.

This picture on your right is of the highest volcano in Central America. It is located in a place called Tajumulco. I had an opportunity to share the gospel with the people of this place, where the attendance was around 140. Gods presence was felt every night and the results was seen in the alter.

The sign before entering the long, bumpy, dirt broken road 1 1/2 hours to get into town.

This is part of the town of Tajumulco
It is surrounded by mountains.

This is physical labor in Guatemala. I wonder how many people in the USA would be encouraged to do this kind of work.

I don't think I could juggle anything on my head like they do. Can you?

Here is a future preacher. This picture is of Rey DelaCruz's son Jason. He was on his way to morning service.

Go ye!!! This was our first planned service in Santo Domingo, Chiapas, México. Many local people came to support our new work in this area. There was also a good number of people seeking Gods help at the alter. The Mason family(our missionary family appointed to go to this place) are truly going to be blessed to come here. The people in the town are very humble, sensitive, and very receptive toward Gods people and message. I can see a mighty church here in the future.

Trio that sang in the evening service.

Santo Domingo, México has it's beauty too!!
Besides its mountains, Santo Domingo is known for it's masses of coffee plants.

If you like seafood, you will love Santo Domingo. It is coastal and the seafood is plenty.

Our sister church in Motozintla is doing very well. Their project with the addition bathrooms is going as planned. Thank everyone of you who made a contribution toward this project. They are still in need of around $1000.00 to finish. If someone is interested in helping with this project please email me for futher details.

The progress in construction of bathrooms for our church in Motozintla, Chiapas, México.

Thank you viewers for all for your prayers and financial support toward Gods ministry. Continue to keep all our holiness works in the international countries in your prayers. God is moving mightily in these areas!

May God richly bless you!

Have a blessed day in the Lord.

A servant of Christ,

Hery Santiago

Any comments or questions

Monday, October 29, 2007

Iglesia de Henderson, Maryland

Iglesia Evangélica de Santidad

"Roca de Salvación"

¡Saludos a todos desde Henderson, Maryland! El proposito de esta medio es para darles de conocer un poco de nuestra Misión/Iglesia aquí donde estamos trabajando en la viña del Señor.

1. La Historia

Esta obra se dio comienzo a través de una visión del la familia Ray y Sharon Leamer, en el año 2001. A través del llamado de Dios, la familia Santiago, en el 2002 después de la graduación de Hery del Bíbilco tomo el desafío de trabajar en este campo desconocido.

2. La Misión/Visión

Este pueblo pequeño de como 1100 residentes consiste de personas Americanos y Centro Americanos. Considerando que las personas hispana aquí no son estables, la misión de Hery es de hacer discipulos de estas personas hispana con el evangelio de Jesucristo y el mensaje de Santidad mientra que estan en el país. Y su visión es de poder cultivar las familias que estan pensanado quedarse en el país y ayudarles que vivan y prática una vida de Santidad.

3. Los Frutos

¡El esfurezo no es en vano! Unos hermanos que fueron discipulado y bautizados han regresado a su país el año pasado y en este. Estos hermanos de Santo Domingo, México, han estado orando por ver una obra de Santidad en su país. Dios les ortorgó su petición. Una familia estuvieron orando aquí también por un campo donde trabajar. Y en el mes de Febrero del 2008, ellos obedientes a llamado de Dios, se van a trabajar y continuar lo que comienzo aquí en este pequeño pueblo de Henderson, Maryland.

Y ya este mismo año también hemos casado dos parejas y bautizado en las aguas cinco mas hermanos. ¡Gloria sea a Dios!

Este hermano Rey DeLaCruz regreso a su país Santo Domingo, México, en el mes de Julio este año.

4. La Iglesia Hoy

Esta es nuestra congregación

Esta foto fue tomado el 22 de Septiembre 2007.

Dios me los bendiga

Pastor: Hery Santiago